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Adulting... Again! (Greenhills edition)

My first week at my new apartment in Greenhills is almost over. To say that it has been a stressful move is probably an understatement, but looking at this amazing one-bedroom feels definitely worth it. Different. It's probably all the space but I definitely feel the loneliness. Mappy and Lilo seem to love the extra leg room (they're probably still adjusting to the new environment, following me everywhere), the building staff are starting to warm up to me, and from what I can observe so far, the other tenants seem really classy (unlike my previous building). Everything is a short walk away; the shopping centers Greenhills is famous for is literally in the next block.

I guess part of the charm of moving to a new place aside from the fresh new environment to explore and call home is figuring out what goes where (and shopping for new stuff to fill in the wider space), and I'm just halfway through the process. I wish my friends and family are here with me, but the pandemic has kept everyone grounded in their own homes for the time being. The place is unlike my previous "bachelor pad", I really see myself building a life here: my mother cooking and baking in the kitchen; my sister and me bonding over Charmed episodes on the living room, treating my dad at the nearby malls, Mappy having the time of his life running around.

Lilo and Mappy on the new carpet

I'm not going to lie not only has it been a physically exhausting move but financially as well. I've pretty much spent most of my year's savings the past couple of months; paying dues, deposits, plus I've also started paying for my own pre-selling apartment in Mandaluyong. It's at The Paddington Place and it's expected to be ready for occupancy in 3 to 4 years. Finally, a place I can call my own, in every sense of that phrase. It was a big decision, probably the biggest I've had to make as an adult yet, but I figured I can't live paying rent until I die. I simply cannot. It's overwhelming to ponder part of the salary you're going in the next 15 years has to go to a tiny 24-square meter space ("it's not much, but it's home" really applies there), but once that studio apartment is turned over in 2023, I'll be the first member of my family to be a bonafide property owner. Not to put them down or anything, but for a small town kid who came to the city with literally quite nothing in his name but his name (not even hopes and dreams and a healthy support system), that feels like an underrated achievement.

Today I got to look around the nearby malls, which currently are barely filled with people because of the lockdown. I'm still on the lookout for a new washer-dryer combo for the new place. I figured it'll be an investment, since taking the laundry to the nearby washer seems tedious at this point. Plus, it's what they do on the TV series I've been bingewatching since moving in. Getting one would cost approximately 35,000 pesos, and I'm still reeling over the ramifications of spending that much right now. I'm thinking it's time to get a second job, something on a work from home basis, like an English tutor or something. That's something I'm seriously considering, especially once my Converge internet connection has been set up. It'll also be good for me to interact with Japanese students who want to study English; I can practice my Japanese while dusting up on my English and communication skills.

Once everthing has settled, i.e. I've replenished my savings, set up a more internet connection, completely moved out of my old place, and bought the essentials in my new one, it'll be the perfect time to get back to my pre-quarantine workout. With more legroom and a hopefully a healthier diet, bulking up will be a piece of cake. Speaking of cakes, I also can't wait to try out baking for the first time on my new oven! So much to do, so limited budget, so I have to be even more careful.

2020 has been a challenging year, that could not be more true. But rising up to that challenge, pushing through inspite of being jerked around my a incompetent government, a deadly virus looming in every corner, and the negativity of social media overall, that's what going to make the future all the more desirable to look forward to.


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