After almost a year of being dormant, I ran another 21K last Sunday. The Great UP Run was the perfect comeback to the running scene since this fund-raising event will benefit UP varsity teams, courtesy of RUNRIO and the nowheretogobutUP Foundation, Inc, just in time for the 82nd season of the UAAP. This run was also different since it was held just before sundown instead of the usual gun time at dawn.

After arriving at what I thought was the 3PM call time at the parking lot in front of Palma Hall, I learned that the actual start was still an hour and a half later so all I could do was stretch and observe the crowd. As expected, much of the people behind the counters were members of the different varsity teams of UP. I was also surprised at how many of the runners seem to know each other, creating an alienating air to an already intimidating setting that is UP. I got to peak again at the dark streets I used to walk to get home after a grueling day in my dismal pursuit of my Master's degree a couple of years ago. It definitely was a different time, a different me.
Anyway, after getting "pumped up" to run about seven times, me and the rest of the runners began the ordeal until it was dark. The route was not only around UP's Sunken Garden but goes around the actual campus grounds, along the streets of Quezon City. It was fascinating actually; everyone was awake --including little sidewalk kids whose cheer and give high-fives as we go along -- and the city buses are as busy as they are on any Sunday afternoon. By my second lap around Katipunan, I got somewhat bored that I actually practiced the song interpretation for my FSL class while I was running. It was a good energy booster, too.
It took me a total of 2 hours and 42 minutes to complete the entire half marathon, a little over my personal best of 2 hours and 40 minutes. I guess it's not too bad for someone who never had any practice for a year. According to the results, I ranked 355th out of god knows how many runners. The loot bag contains a sweet UP drifit shirt for the gym, and a nice big medal for my collection.