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Mascotting at the 10th KPOP Convention

So the 10th KPOP Convention had been officially pushed back from December to March (approximately one month from today) and Poypoy, the PAWS mascot (that'd be me) is getting ready to update his playlist. This is all thanks to Savage Angels (I seriously don't know her actual name), who posts mirrored tutorials in YouTube. I'm really thankful I stumbled upon her videos because she knows how to actually teach beginners, and she knows the good songs her subscribers want to learn. Plus she's American so I don't have to strain myself understanding an unfamiliar accent and memorizing the steps at the same like, much unlike other tutorials available.

Ever since the overwhelming positive response (not to mention the otherwise dull donations) from KPOP fans in 2016, Poypoy has been a staple in the annual KPOP convention where the PAWS' animal shelter is the usual beneficiary. I guess this can easily look sad from another perspective, but I couldn't help that I have been irrevocably proud to admit performing as the adorable dog mascot as part of my volunteer work. I mean I love Korean pop music, I love to dance, I want to get shelter animals more exposure and donations, and the people love to see a giant fluffy dog dance to their favorite idols, so what's the harm there, right? Fine, I love the attention, too.

[UPDATE] After several months of delay, the Kpop Convention finally happened last Sunday, and as expected, the Philippine Animal Welfare Society had been invited to attend and I once again donned the diabolically warm persona of Poypoy (the mascot)

Here is a snippet of the random dancing that transpired during the event:

This year's venue is comparatively smaller than the previous years. It was a real shame because the PAWS booth was positioned way in the corner of the venue and the music from the stage is still pretty loud the whole time so dancing to our own music was rather difficult. Plus, it took real effort to navigate the entire hall because the place was jam-packed. Even after quitting smoking for a while now, I still felt the need to rest every so often because I honestly feel suffocated, and did I mention I was melting inside all that fluff? Times like these I really admire the effort of my fellow volunteer, especially those who pushed through crowds of screaming and dancing fans, not to mention talk to people about the advocacy and (subtly) asking them to donate. Hopefully next year, we'll be back in the old venue.


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