Who knew pasta could be such an awesome comfort food? This time, I wanted to mix things up from the usual chicken recipe so I decided to make fettucine alfredo. I haven't eaten shrimp in a long time so I though it would be awesome to taste it again. I didn't know it but apparently, shrimp has anti-inflammatory properties and is perfect for weight management as it has zero carbs. Well, mixed with pasta, that kind of doesn't matter anyway. I topped mine with broccoli because the simple vegetable taste of broccoli is awesome with salty foods.
I have to say the real star of this dish (other than the shrimp) is the parmesan--the grated kind, not the powdered kind. With an oily texture, the cheesy tang of parmesan is just the perfect kick to put the flavors together. For re-heating, I find adding a slice of butter remedies the staleness of being preserved.

half-pack fettuccine (approx 250g)
0.5kg shrimp, peeled and deveined (approx. 2 packs)
1 cup heavy cream (or cooking cream)
1/2 cup whole milk (aka full-cream milk)
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp flour
butter, garlic, salt, pepper
steamed or sautéed broccoli
chili powder, flakes
Cook pasta on salted water for 4-5 minutes.
Cook shrimp on butter. Season with salt and pepper.
Remove shrimp and using same pan, sauté garlic.
Add flour, heavy cream, milk, egg yolk, and parmesan.
When cheese is melted and sauce has thickened slightly, add cooked pasta and shrimp
Season with salt and pepper.