Right off the bat, mother! starts its strange taste of oddities with an image of a woman burning (which would only be explained at the very end of the film). Heavily promoted as an allegory to Biblical stories, the film is also humorously described by filmgoers as the history humankind. Director Darren Aronofsky is a staunch supporter of the environmental and is known to incorporate his politics in his work, resulting in mother! to become a multilayered story and more than a "Bible thriller", but a statement on environmental issues as well.
They won't listen!
Aranofsky, who also wrote the film, pays homage to Roman Polanski with several key subtle elements, including the film's poster.

home invasion
Unforgiving camera angle, showcasing the every subtle movement of Lawrence's face
house as grotesque living creature, and a symbol for the Earth and thus Lawrence's character as well
twist that Javier's "God" character is not the traditional all-knowing, all-loving presence of pure love; a really polarizing character than can be seen as a patient deity who loves His people unconditionally, or a self-serving narcissist who is only after recognition and being worshipped